Sep 27, 2011

270911 - .

Just a short update as I am in rush to tuition later =(
Went to be volunteer again last weekends.
Enjoyed the moment that I sacrificed but time used a bit too long till I couldn't finish a lot of stuff in the end ==
But still I will go for charity work next time!
Things really going well these days, but I just couldn't feel the happiness flowing around me.
Emotions conquer me sometimes already, but I still manage to control it well.
Hopefully I won't collapse or burst in anytime! God bless.
Think so I'll have to meet my buddy soon as they can heal me =)
Anyway, I managed to sell 11 Vision just now =) #supersatisfy!
Anyone interested still please contact me =)
I wish I could help my dear so that she won't stress out.
Ohya, Subway is awesome, I just had it!

Sep 23, 2011

230911 - Confession

Facing problem again in duty =( It happened yesterday in front of one class. 30+ people were actually looking at us.
The girl scolded me :"None of your business, it's not your class!" after I asked her to go back to her class for several times.
Yup again my tone was those super loud although I knew teachers were having foods downstairs. I just couldn't control my temper for that continuous ignorance from her. I admit it was my fault for not controlling but she did wrong too.
I replied her :"So? GO BACK TO YOUR CLASS NOW!"
She :"Shut up la you, SHORTY."
Hell. The first time ever I got such personal attack which I do mind actually.
Ya, I am short, I admit it and I accept it.
But why using this to attack me when I did nth wrong and she is just 15!
I controlled, but I still replied her with :"Who are you now?"
"Your mother."
"Ohya, auntie?"
She replied with some kind of nonsense and ran away.
I just couldn't stand for this and I was non-stop thinking about it the whole day. I told this to a lot of people that I met and although they felt pity to me, but they asked me not to thinking too much about it.
I proposed this to Jeffrey today and he asked me to tell Mr Herman. So I did.
But my main point was not complaining about her, just that I wished the disciplinary board could help us as many of us facing such a problem.
I chose to forget about that.
Problem came when Mr Herman insisted to take action to her as he said she is rude.
Called her and brought her to Mrs Bavani.
Repeated the whole story since she asked and action taken by deducting her marks.
Anyway she got caught for her shorts by Mrs Goh and her mother was called to school.
How it ended I don't know as I wasn't there.
After went back to class, I was thinking, am I doing this right?
I confused. How if I didn't bring up this issue?
But if I did so, it's not fair to myself as her words really offensive to me.
However it showed like I am childish and not mature which always complaining when I did report =(
Out of a sudden, I blanked out.
I am that helpless, but I couldn't change what I did.
Anyway it ended.
It will be a scar on me that will never shed even with the apologies.

Sep 22, 2011

220911 - Capricorn

  • 热爱暗恋;
  • 自卑 不喜欢跟人打交道;
  • 有点闷骚,没事喜欢胡思乱想;
  • 失眠或者嗜睡;
  • 笑起来是个孩子 冷起来是个谜
  • 不喜欢虚伪自私的人;
  • 好心肠 易被感动;
  • 爱讲道理;
  • 整理癖;
  • 喜欢去没人的地方
  • 黑白分明;
  • 不爱穿内衣;
  • 常年宅在家。❤
  • 爱最真挚最持久最深沉。
  • 有时很爱捉弄人 。
  • 不喜欢争吵 。
  • 有些害羞。
  • 个性强悍不妥协
  • 无与伦比的迷人性感。
  • 天生的贵族气质和深沉超脱的个性。
  • 很容易被感动。
  • 外冷内热。
  • 有些顽皮。❤
  • 脾气来的快去的也快;
  • 有斗志,喜欢拼搏;
  • 刻苦努力,想尽办法独立门户自己当老板,老总最多的星座之一;
  • 重感情,讲义气;
  • 别人对他好,定加倍奉还的典型代表;
  • 不计前嫌,容易哄;
  • 单纯没心机;
  • 喜怒言于表,不伪装;
  • 做事雷厉风行,有效率;
  • 天生的统筹规划专家,计划性强。❤
  • 很懒,没事几乎不出门;
  • 爱发呆;
  • 擅长装傻,其实心里都明白,只是不愿意说出来
  • 与老友只想念不联系;
  • 很情绪化;
  • 双重人格;
  • 有自己的一套原则,我行我素;
  • 有时很糊涂,反应慢半拍;
  • 特别敏感,脆弱;
  • 对自己不感兴趣的人很冷漠,毫不掩饰。❤
自己未来的老婆,要懂得温柔体贴,野蛮女友不太可能,又要不失活泼,因为他自己也比较闷。 摩羯男可能都不太会说话,或是表达,摩羯男对喜欢的人表 现的通常很矛盾,会希望她的出现,出现了却努力表现的无事一般。❤
羯总是为别人考虑,毫不夸张的可以说是面面俱到! 但是摩羯不喜欢表现自己,当然更多原因是不善于,所以当 别人受惠时,很少有人能够想到摩羯的努力与付出! 爱人尤为如此!所以这大大的降低了摩羯在爱情与婚姻中的 幸福感!常常是忧郁,偶尔是惊喜.❤
From ⊱⊹星座ღ密语⊹⊰
I am a typical Capricorn =)

Sep 20, 2011

200911 - =)

Well, again, days without updating my blog =(
Anyway, I spent my long weekend in Penang.
Although something happened which make me not feeling well, but I do enjoyed the whole journey =)
Pictures will be on my Fb soon =)
Not going to have a long post about it, but more pictures are coming =P

Sep 7, 2011

070911 - Weird

So few days not manage to update my blog.
Feeling strange at this moment as all the feeling mixed together and I just couldn't figure out what actually I feel now ==
Anyway I did volunteer work again last weekend and I will have the next post about that =)
Just realise actually our society is full with all the negative issues which each and everyone of us can't escape from it.
And this society is full with rubbish and parasites!
Why am I so angry?
Here's the story :
Night before yesterday I was so hardworking to do my homework alone while Daddy using the comp. Others went to their own sweet dreamland.
At 12am sharp, my house phone rang. I was the one stay nearest with the phone.
And the most stupid decision I made was pick up the call.
Everyone feel a bit fear when the phone rang at sharp 12 right? As the result all of us read too many horror stories =(
With the little fear that I had, I picked up the call and I heard a boy's voice and I confirmed that he is not someone that I knew. At least he never call to me before.
I used to pick up phones call since small that's why I can recognize many people's voice easily =)
He talked extraordinary soft where I can't hear it clearly.
And with the sound from tv and mum's voice (she woke for the call) I couldn't hear anything.
I kept on repeating "Har?" "Yes?" "Could you repeat?" at first.
And he kept on reply "Can you listen?"
After I cleared all the noise, I finally asked him : "Who are you looking for?"
And he said : "Can you listen to me?"
"Ya, who are you and who you are looking for?"
Damn you stupid fellow. While he continuing with all the nonsense, I ended the phone call.
He tried so hard just to scare me ==
He really drove me mad and he successfully made me got scared for the whole night.
Luckily I didn't get insomnia or else I will curse him like no one else!
See I said there is a lot of parasite in the society.
If the same thing happen again, I square that I will keep on talk nonsense with him and waste his phone money! *devil*

Sep 1, 2011

020911 - .

It supposed to be a good day with the birthday one.
But it ended up in another way round =(
I felt sorry that you get sick on this super important day.
I knew you suffered a lot as you had high fever, vomit and dizzy.
How I wish I am the one suffering at least you will still have a great day with the others =(
You planned the whole day activities but it turned out staying at home the whole day.
I knew you are disappointed and sad.
Cheer dear, I do wish you can recover soon.
Don't let people that love you worry again, kay?
I promise you that we will go out and have a belated celebration after you recovered.
I'll always be here when you need me =)