Jul 14, 2011

150711 - Doubt

So it's 12.44 in the midnight now and I am having school later as usual.
I should be either doing my homework or in the sweet dreamland now.
But i did neither of it.
Feeling annoying and irritating right at this moment for no reason.
I am not EMO, but just wish to do sth else.
Out of a sudden, I thought of wanna get myself away from everything.
Absolutely everything that related to me.
Or I should say it this way, I wish I could disappear.
Disappear from everyone that I know and I don't.
Disappear from everything that I like and dislike.
Disappear from the world.
It sounds crazy for me, but I wish to have that even it's just few minutes.
Maybe I will only achieve my inner peace that time?
I better stop dreaming now and continue with my work =P
See ya.

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