Mar 25, 2015

To Love or Be Loved

Asked a question on my Facebook lately and it keeps me ponder for a long time.

You asked, what's my answer.
My initial answer, it depends on the situation.

I asked, what's your answer.
To be loved. From 2 of you at different time.
You said, no why. You said, cause you will ensure you love that person 100% in return.
I don't understand why.

If I was forced to choose, I think I'll choose to love. 
Not just because I won't regret cause that's my choice, but also I won't feel guilty.

For me, it's just unfair.
Demand more from others but how sure I am that I can love back?
I would rather to suffer, and I won't want to have the burden throughout the journey.

Perhaps, the last him love me more than I love him?
Or perhaps, I am just being even selfish, cause I know those who love me will never leave?

Afterall, there's no right or wrong for love.
The best it would be, to be loved by the one you love.