Feb 21, 2011


Well starting today onwards, I AM JOBLESS =]
I am kinda weird as i feel a bit happy for it?!
Perhaps i do need time to rest and ya re-arrange myself and re-plan for my future.
But before all this, i have to enjoy my holidays till the max until the die die day when my results out =X
So i got myself a to do list :
  • Watch Doraemon.. I wanna do so since my spm ended but i got no time =[
  • Clean my room.. Ugrh so messy la my room for now and i'll clean it SOON =]
  • Done my handicraft.. Just wanna try out sth new =]
  • Learn simple cooking.. Mummy nagged me for this since long long long long time ago ==
  • Date all my dear.. Missing them a lot lol =P
  • Sleep more.. Although i slept lot but still i have a tired look ==
A lot more to be done but haha =]
I am here, my holidays!


MY said...

baking cake & cookies leh????

绮盼 said...

herm ya hor =]
yup it's in my to-do list now =P